Integration guide for Android SDK
This documentation describes how to integrate your Android app with TrustBuilder MFA.
The TrustBuilder MFA SDK for Android has been released on June 2022 with a new sample application and a new documentation.
The TrustBuilder MFA SDK for Android gives you access to the following features:
Update PIN code
Unlock Device
Get online OTP
Get offline OTP
Check pending push
Online seal
Offline seal
To implement these features, you will need to call functions from the mAccess library. The application implementing the mAccess library should be linked to a White Label Service.
Useful guides
Reference documentation for mAccess Library (Java) to get more details about the mAccess library classes, methods and error codes.
Latest version of Android Studio — - (or other Gradle enabled build system)
The current version of the TrustBuilder MFA SDK for Android requires:
Minimum SDK : Android Nougat (API 24) or higher
Target API: Android 12 (API 31)
Java JDK 8 or later
Download the TrustBuilder MFA SDK for Android from Resources Downloads. You can download:
the mAccess library (Java)
the source code of a sample application implementing TrustBuilder MFA features (Java)
Request the mAccess ID (MAC ID) from the admin
If you use sealing feature, ask the admin to set the ‘Transaction sealing’ option to ‘Yes’
In the administration console > Service Parameters tab
Security Best Practices
This sub-section reminds some best practices that may have a significant and positive impact on your app's security. These best practices are implemented in the sample application available in the SDK for Android.
Source: Android developers security best practices
General Principles
Local storage
The internal state of the application must be locally stored, and updated each time the library is accessed. This internal state is an ASCII string provides by the function IW.StorageDataGet ().
The implementation of this storage is system-dependent, and up to the developer to design.
After each call to a library function, the host must call IW.StorageDataChanged (), in order to find out if the internal state has changed. If this function returns a non-zero integer, the host must call IW.StorageDataGet () and then update the local storage. When the host application starts, it must get the ASCII string stored locally and give it to the library using the function IW.StorageDataSet ().
Synchronous or Asynchronous mode
Some mAccess library functions execute network calls, namely webservice calls, to query TrustBuilder servers. And most mAccess webservice calls are divided in two steps, i.e. two functions, a start function and a finalize function.
There are two different ways of implementing the webservice calls: synchronously or asynchronously. The code architecture of the host will vary according to the chosen mode.
Synchronous mode → The host function myAction will execute the IWActionStart () function and will directly fetch the result of the webservice call. If the result of the IWActionStart() is successful it will then execute the IWActionFinalize ().
Asynchronous mode → The result of the webservice calls will be handled by callback functions which are passed to the start and finalize functions.
Web services calls
mAccess uses platform dependent functions to call TrustBuilder web services. These functions should be part of the host. Code samples expose such functions. You may use them as is or enhance them.
Synchronous mode
In synchronous mode, the host code should contain only one function:
public String webServiceCall(String url, long timeout);
This function performs a GET request to a specific URL. The call is synchronous, and the timeout is given in milliseconds. The response is directly fetched inside the function. It consists of an XML document (as an ASCII string). In Java, WebServiceCall should return result (XML response) or null if an error occurred.
Asynchronous mode
In this case the host code should contain two functions. The function executing the API webservice call:
public String webServiceCall(String url, long timeout);
This function performs a GET request to a specific URL. The network call response is handled by a second function:
HandleWebServiceCallResult: (object result) -> Void
Depending on the platform implementing the mAccess library the way of declaring this handler function and the structure of the fetched result object may vary.
The final API call result (which is normally a property or a field of the result object) is an XML Document (as an ASCII string).
On success, the handler function will have to execute the callback function (passed in argument of the mAccess API asynchronous function) with argument 0 (0 = success). Typically:
IWSetWsBuffer (string response);
WSCallBack (0);
On failure, the handler function will have to execute the callback function (passed in argument of the mAccess API asynchronous function) with argument 1 (1 = error).
WSCallBack (1);
Should I use online or offline OTP?
In order to generate an online OTP, mAccess will perform one or more webservice calls to TrustBuilder servers. This mode is suitable for a connected application (online banking for instance), as the token will always be synchronized with TrustBuilder Servers.For a non-connected application (VPN dialer, authenticator-type app), Offline OTP is recommended. In this case, an OTP will be generated without any network call. The drawback of this method is the possibility for the token to desynchronize.
Configure the build.gradle app file
Android Studio projects contain a top-level build file and a build file for each module. The build files are called build.gradle.
In your app individual module build.gradle file, edit the following elements:
defaultConfig → it configures core settings and entries in the manifest file (AndroidManifest.xml) dynamically from the build system. The values in defaultConfig override those in the manifest file. Here is how defaultConfig looks like in our sample application:
CODEdefaultConfig { applicationId "com.inwebo.demo_android" minSdkVersion 24 targetSdkVersion 31 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" buildConfigField "String", "MACID", "\"f9i1f283a8af89bec62731ccdaec758d\"" buildConfigField "String", "SERVER", "\"\"" }
→ The application IDminSdkVersion
→ Sets minimum SDK version The minimum version of the Android platform on which the app will run, specified by the platform's API level identifier.targetSdkVersion
→ Sets the target SDK version to the given value. Specifies the API level on which the app is designed to run.versionCode
→ version code - a positive integer used as an internal version number.versionName
→ version name - a string used as the version number shown to users.buildConfigField
→ Adds a new field to the generated BuildConfig class. The field is generated as: <type> <name> = <value>; In our case, as the type is a String, then the value should include quotes.Add a MACID string and past the mAccess ID as a value (see Requirements to know how to get the MAC ID)
Add a SERVER string and enter the server URL as a value. Most often, the value will be set to /
dependencies → declares the dependencies for this application module. You should specify the mAccess library .jar file, with the right version.
CODEimplementation files('libs/iwlib-mac-<version>.jar')
Push notifications
Push notifications can notify the user of an authentication request. Before configuring push notifications, we recommend that you learn about the push notifications mechanism for the platform.
Considerations for mAccess SDK:
Unique Identifier of User or Device: allows TrustBuilder to send push notifications to your app. It must be sent to TrustBuilder servers using the
function.Variables received inside the notifications: these variables (such as the activation code, transaction alias) will be provided as arguments in the mAccess API push activation and authentication functions.
Notification Platform used on the Application: must be set using the
function. The platform must match the mAccess push notification parameters configured in the Admin Console. For Android, only Firebase is still operationalSetDeviceOS("firebase")
Deprecated versions
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) Legacy API was officially deprecated on June 2024 (More information). If your configuration is still based on FCM Legacy API, you should migrate to API V1. Please refer to this detailed note: How to upgrade to API V1.
Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) was officially deprecated by Google on April 2018. If your configuration is still based on GCM, you should migrate to Firebase Cloud Messaging.
Firebase Messaging
Firebase Messaging is a solution used to send remote push notifications across Android, iOS and web devices. It allows both background and in-app notifications. Your project should be created here:
Firebase parameters in the Admin Console
From the admin console, in a White Label Service (See Creating a White Label Service):
Go to Service Parameters tab.
Scroll down to the mAccess push notification parameters section.
Click on + for Firebase parameters.
The configuration under “Android parameters” should not be used. This was the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) configuration, which is now obsolete.
In Firebase parameters, set the notification parameters:
Choose V1 API.
⚠️ Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) Legacy API was officially deprecated on June 2024 (More information). If your configuration is still based on FCM Legacy API, you should migrate to API V1. Please refer to this detailed note: How to upgrade to API V1.
Paste the content of the service account JSON file.
It the JSON file containing the private key for your project. You can generate it in the Firebase console.Enter the Notification Collapse Key (Optional).
It defines the key used to send collapsible messages to your application. When several notifications are sent in a short period of time, it allows these notifications to be aggregated.
Click on Add.
Two applications on the same service
To have two applications on the same service, which receive push notifications, you should:
Make sure the the
function is set to"firebase"
.Set notifications in the Admin Console (Service parameters tab > "mAccess push notification parameters" > Firebase parameters): leave “Notification Collapse Key” empty.
To initialize the library, the calls are the following.
IW.Init (String SN, String appData)
Your application may provide 2 strings: one should be linked to the device (Serial Number) and the other one to the installation (timestamp of an install directory). These strings should not change over the lifetime of your application. If they do, the application will be locked.
IW.HostVersionSet (string version)
The host/application provides its version number. Example: myApp-1.3.0
IW.WsServerSet ()
The host/application defines the server value for the web service calls, such as “”.Returns always true.
IW.WsTimeoutSet ()
The host/application defines the timeout value for the web service calls, in millisecond. Returns always true.
IW.MaccessSet () provides the mAccess ID, that can be found in the Admin Console
Read the ASCII string stored locally, and pass it to the function IW.StorageDataSet ().
Determine whether mAccess is activated or not by calling IW.IsActivated (). If this function returns “1”, mAccess is activated.
If mAccess is not activated, go Activation Implementation).
Determine whether mAccess is blocked or not by calling IW.IsBlocked ().
If this function returns “1”, mAccess is blocked. Go to section “Reset” Implementation.
If mAccess is activated and not blocked, startup procedure is over and completed successfully
In our sample application, the InweboSession is common to every activity, as it is created in a common activity extended by all the others. With this implementation, each activity can call the ‘getApi()’ method that gives access to the TrustBuilder methods.
The TrustBuilder web services
Each web service implemented in the TrustBuilder library is synchronous, we can’t call them directly from the activities because we can’t execute them on the UI thread to avoid blocking UI.
In order to perform web services calls in an asynchronous way, in the sample application, we use the Java Future interface, through promises. The Promise pattern implemented is based on the Java concurrent interface Future, and represented by the class PromiseSupport. The PromiseSupport only handles the 3 states RUNNING, FAILED and COMPLETED, implementing methods to update those states accordingly to the task status.
Then, the Promise class, that extends the PromiseSupport class, implements all the methods to handle every possible action callback during an asynchronous task in a very readable way.
Finally, the InweboPromise is just an upper layer to those promises to handle asynchronous tasks brought by the TrustBuilder library. We can notice that the callbacks are executed on the UI thread so that we can interact with the UI in all the steps of a web service call. The asynchronous method to watch must be declared in the “fulfillInAsync” method of the Promise.
To declare a synchronous webservice call with these methods we just have to write:
.fulfillInAsync(() -> inweboService.getApi().Start())
.thenAccept(responseId -> {
// action on success
}).onError(throwable -> {
// action on error
Error handling
The web services contained in the TrustBuilder library never raises errors, as these errors are directly handled in the library, and an error code is often returned in those web services, error codes handled in the promises callbacks. If the error code returned is not ‘0’, then an explicit dialog will be displayed to the user so that he can see what happened.
In the case of an unsuccessful network call (unreachable network, etc.), the promise callback that will be executed is the “onError”, with the associated throwable that we will log.
An explicit dialog will also be displayed to the user so that he can see what happened, or what is wrong with his request.
Features implementation
This section describes the features implemented in the sample application available in the TrustBuilder MFA java SDK.
1- Activation code
At the first application launch, the user will face the Activation page, asking for an activation code. When the activation code is entered, the user can click on the button ‘Validate’, that will disable the activation code input, and trigger the code validation:
If the code entered is empty, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that code entered is empty. The activation code input will be re-enabled.
If the code is not empty, the user can proceed on the activation.
At this point, we only have an activation code. We will now start the activation process on TrustBuilder calling IW.ActivationStart(activationCode)
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. Then the activation process will restart.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, the user can proceed on the activation
2- PIN Code
Now that the activation code has been authorized by TrustBuilder, we have to handle the pin code input. To achieve that, we first ask for the IW.PinMode() to find out if the user has to define a new pin code, or enter its existing pin code for verification. This method will return the pin mode that should be used for the current process:
If the PIN mode is ‘NONE’, then no PIN code are necessary and we can finalize the process with no pin code. We can call IW.ActivationFinalize() with no PIN value. See section ‘3- Finalize process below’.
If the PIN mode is ‘CURRENT’, then the current user PIN is required. Only the PIN input appears
If the PIN mode is ‘NEW’, then a new PIN must be defined. The PIN input as well as the PIN confirmation input are displayed
After entering the PIN code, the user can click on the button ‘Validate’, that will disable the PIN code input(s) :
If the PIN code entered is empty, or one of the PIN codes in NEW pin mode, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the code(s) entered is (are) empty. The PIN code input will be re-enabled.
In NEW PIN mode, if both codes are not equals, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the PIN codes entered are not the same. The PIN code input will be re-enabled.
In all modes, if PIN is not valid (meaning it’s not 4 numbers long or longer than 6 numbers) then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the PIN code entered is not valid.
If the PIN inputs is (are) good, then we can now finalize the process.
We can now finalize the activation process.
3- Finalize process
At this point, we have an Activation code, a valid PIN (or no PIN at all in the case of NONE PIN mode).
We will now start the activation process on TrustBuilder calling IW.ActivationFinalize(activationCode, pinValue):
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. Then the activation process will restart.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, the TrustBuilder data will be stored on internal storage, a message will be displayed confirming the activation, and the services available will be displayed.
The device is now registered for a user account. The user can use the application with this device to authenticate.
Now that the user is authenticated, the device can be locked for several reasons: wrong pin entered a couple times, manual action on the admin console, etc.
When starting any activity, the current user session is checked to know if the device is locked. If that’s the case, the user will arrive on the Unlock page
1- Unlock code
The Unlock page asks for an unlock code. When the unlock code is entered, the user can click on the button ‘Validate’, that will disable the unlock code input, and trigger the code validation:
If the code entered is empty, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the code entered is empty. The unlock code input will be re-enabled.
If the code is not empty, the user can proceed on the device unlock
At this point, we only have an unlock code. We will now start the unlock process on TrustBuilder calling IW.ResetStart(Code) :
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. Then the unlock process will restart.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, the user can proceed on the unlock process
2- PIN Code
Now that the unlock code has been accepted by TrustBuilder, we have to handle the pin code input. To achieve that, we first ask for the IW.PinMode(). This method will return the pin mode that should be used for the current process:
If the PIN mode is ‘NONE’, then no PIN code are necessary and we can finalize the process with no pin code. We can call IW.ResetFinalize() with no PIN value. See section ‘3- Finalize process’ below.
If the PIN mode is ‘CURRENT’, then the current user PIN is required. Only the PIN input appears
If the PIN mode is ‘NEW’, then a new PIN must be defined. The PIN input as well as the PIN confirmation input are displayed
After entering the PIN code, the user can click on the button ‘Validate’, that will disable the PIN code input(s):
If the PIN code entered is empty, or one of the PIN codes in NEW pin mode, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the code(s) entered is (are) empty. The PIN code input will be re-enabled.
In NEW PIN mode, if both codes are not equals, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the PIN codes entered are not the same. The PIN code input will be re-enabled.
In all modes, if PIN is not valid, meaning it’s not 4 numbers long or longer than 6 numbers, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the PIN code entered is not valid.
If the PIN inputs is (are) good, then we can now finalize the process
We can now finalize the process.
3- Finalize process
At this point, we have an Unlock code, a valid PIN, or no PIN at all in the case of NONE PIN mode.
We will now start the unlock process on TrustBuilder calling IW.ResetFinalize(unlockCode, pinValue):
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. Then the unlock process will restart.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, the authentication data will be stored on internal storage, a message will be displayed confirming the unlocking, and the services available will be displayed.
In order to synchronize information between the application and TrustBuilder server, you can perform a Synchronization.
1- Starting process
In order to synchronize the application, we first need to call the webservice IW.SynchronizeStart():
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. Then the activity will close.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, the user can proceed on the synchronize process, and the PIN input appears on the screen.
2- Finalizing process
Now that the process has been started by TrustBuilder, we have to handle the pin code input. To achieve that, we first ask for the IW.PinMode(). This method will return the pin mode that should be used for the current process:
If the PIN mode is ‘NONE’, then no PIN code are necessary and we can finalize the process with no pin code. The method IW.ResetFinalize() is called with no PIN value.
If the PIN mode is ‘CURRENT’, then the current user PIN is required.
After entering the PIN code, the user can click on the button ‘Synchronize’, that will disable the PIN code input :
If the PIN code entered is empty, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the code entered is empty. The PIN code input will be re-enabled.
If the PIN inputs is good, then we can now finalize the process
The method IW.SynchronizeFinalize(pinCode) is now called:
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message, and the Synchronize process is restarted.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, a message is displayed confirming that the application has been Synchronized. Then the user is redirected to the main menu.
PIN code update
Now that a PIN is set for a user, it has the possibility to update it directly on the application.
1- Starting process
In order to update the PIN, we first need to call the webservice IW.PwdUpdateStart():
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. Then the activity will close.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, the user can proceed on the pin code update process, and the PIN inputs will appear on the screen.
2- Finalizing process
Now that the process has been started by TrustBuilder, we have to handle the pin code input:
The user will have to enter the current PIN, the new PIN and its confirmation. When this has been done, the user can click on the button ‘Update Pin Code’, that will disabled inputs and trigger pin confirmation:
If one of the three inputs is empty, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the code(s) entered is (are) empty. The PIN code inputs will be re-enabled
If the new pin is not equal to its confirmation value, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the confirmation code is not good. The PIN code inputs will be re-enabled.
If PIN is not valid, meaning it’s not 4 numbers long or longer than 6 numbers, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the PIN code entered is not valid. The PIN code inputs will be re-enabled.
Else, the process can be finalized
To finalize the process, the webservice IW.PwdUpdateFinalize(newPinCode, currentPinCode) will be called:
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. Then the process will restart.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, a message is displayed confirming that the PIN Code has been updated. Then the user is redirected to the main menu.
3- Reset all registered biokeys(Optional)
After a PIN code update, for security reasons, you may want to remove all the registered biometrics from user’s devices. We will first call IW.UnsetBiokeysStart() to start the reset process. To finalize the process IW.UnsetBiokeysFinalize(pinCode) will be called.
Biometrics registration
When a user is starting this activity, a first check is done to ensure that the current device is supporting Biometrics. This shouldn’t be an issue as the Biometrics registration menu item is not displayed in the main menu if Biometrics are not available.
Then, we will check if a biokey is already registered in the current device. If that’s the case, the message ‘You already have biometrics registered, but you can override it.’ will be displayed, but the user can still access the process.
1- Starting process
In order to register a new Biometric, we first need to call the webservice IW.SetBiokeyStart():
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. Then the activity will close.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, the user can proceed on the biometric registration process, and the PIN inputs will appear on the screen.
2- Finalizing process
Now that the process has been started by TrustBuilder, we have to handle the pin code input. To achieve that, we first ask for the IW.PinMode(). This method will return the pin mode that should be used for the current process:
If the PIN mode is ‘NONE’, then no PIN code are necessary and we can finalize the process with no pin code
If the PIN mode is ‘CURRENT’, then the current user PIN is required.
After entering the PIN code, the user can click on the button ‘Register’, that will disable the PIN code input :
If the PIN code entered is empty, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the code entered is empty. The PIN code input will be re-enabled.
If the PIN inputs is good, then we can now finalize the process
To finalize the process, the user clicks on the button ‘Register’. A Biometric Prompt will be displayed:
If the Biometric authentication is successful, then the process can continue
If the Biometric authentication is not successful, the process is restarted to step 1
To finalize the process, the method IW.SetBiokeyFinalize(pinCode) is now called:
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message, and the Biometric registration process is restarted to step 1.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, a message is displayed confirming that the Biometric has been registered. Then the user is redirected to the main menu.
Biometric keys can be all reset when updating PIN code - See “PIN code update” above
Online OTP Generation
The online One Time Password (OTP) generation process can be done in two ways : either with the current PIN or with a registered Biometric.
1- Starting process
In order to start an Online OTP generation, we first need to call the webservice IW.OnlineOtpStart(0):
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. Then the activity will close.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, the user can proceed on the OTP generation
2- Finalizing process
Offline OTP Generation
In the case of an offline OTP generation, the process is a little bit different than the online one, even if the UI is nearly the same.
1- Starting process
The offline generation must be done with a perfectly synchronized application. So the first step in the process is to call method IW.otpShouldSynchronize(), to ensure that the application is up to date:
If that is not the case, a Dialog is displayed to warn the user that his application is not synchronized, asking him to synchronize it with the Synchronize feature
If the application is synchronized, then we can start the Offline OTP generation process
Then we need to know if the PIN is required. To achieve that, we call the method IW.OtpModeQuery(0):
If ‘1’ is returned, it means that the PIN is required, and the PIN input is displayed
If ‘0’ is returned, the PIN is not required and we do not need the input
2- Finalizing process
If the PIN is required, the user enters it and clicks on the button ‘Generate’:
If the PIN code entered is empty, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the code entered is empty. The PIN code input will be re-enabled.
If the PIN inputs is good, then we can now finalize the process
If the PIN is not required, the user only has to click on the button ‘Generate’.
This action will trigger the method IW.OtpGenerate(), that will return a generated OTP. To acknowledge the expiration time of this OTP, we must call IW.DisplayTime() that will return the remaining time in seconds, time that will be displayed on the UI.
Check Pending Push
The pending Push check retrieves a potential pending push notification and displays its information to the user.
1- Setting the Device OS
This can be achieve by calling the method IW.SetDeviceOS(deviceOS).
To use Firebase from Google for notification, you should configure Firebase and call IW.SetDeviceOS("firebase").
2- Starting push registration
Now that the OS is configured, we can start the process by calling the method IW.PushRegistrationStart() :
If the response code is ‘0’, register process is ok, we can call method IW.PushRegistrationFinalize()
If the response code is other than ‘0’, the registration process cannot be started and the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. The user is then redirected to the main menu
3- Finalizing push registration
If push registration has been successful, we can call the method IW.PushRegistrationFinalize(). This method needs a parameter “pushId” which is the id of the device used for notification push service :
If the response code is ‘0’, device is registered and process end well
If the response code is other than ‘0’, the registration process cannot be finalized and the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. The user is then redirected to the main menu
4- Starting check pending push process
If the registration process went successful, we are now able to use the check pending push method, to get push details if a push is sent to call the method, users have to click on the “Check pending push” button.
This action will trigger the method IW.CheckPush() :
If response code is ‘999’, the application displays a Dialog : ‘No pending push available or mobile push service may not be activated’
If response code is ‘0’, a push is available and the application displays the following details under the button :
‘IW.PushAlias()’ returns the push ID
‘IW.PushAction()’ returns the push action type of the notification (authenticate or activate)
‘IW.PushContext()’ returns notification context if there is one.
If response code is other than ‘0’ or ‘999’, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message
5- Push Authentication
If the device is activated, a push notification will be sent to request an authentication from the user. It can either be fetched with the method IW.CheckPush() or by implementing Firebase Messaging.
Online seal
The online seal generation process can be done in two ways: either with the current PIN or with a registered Biometric.
Before using sealing feature, be sure that the “Transaction sealing” option is set to “Yes” (See Requirements)
1- Starting process
In order to start a seal generation, we first need to call the webservice IW.OnlineSealStart(0):
If the webservice does not return a response code 0, the application displays a dialog with the corresponding error message. Then the activity will close.
If the webservice does return the response code 0, the user can proceed on the seal generation
2- Finalizing process
Offline seal
In the case of an offline seal, the process is a little bit different than the online one, even if the UI is nearly the same.
Before using sealing feature, be sure that the “Transaction sealing” option is set to “Yes” (See Requirements)
1- Starting process
The offline seal generation must be done with a perfectly synchronized application. So the first step in the process is to call method IW.SealShouldSynchronize(), to ensure that the application is up to date:
If that is not the case, a Dialog is displayed to warn the user that his application is not synchronized, asking him to synchronize it with the Synchronize feature
If the application is synchronized, then we can start the Offline seal generation process
First we need to know if the PIN is required. To achieve that, we call the method IW.SealModeQuery(0):
If ‘1’ is returned, it means that the PIN is required, and the PIN input is displayed
If ‘0’ is returned, the PIN is not required and we do not need the input
2- Finalizing process
If the PIN is required, the enters it and clicks on the button ‘Generate’:
If the PIN code entered is empty, then a dialog will appear to notify the user that the code entered is empty. The PIN code input will be re-enabled.
If the PIN inputs is good, then we can now finalize the process
A data field is here to represent the data that is going to be sealed
If the PIN is not required, the user only has to click on the button ‘Generate’.
This action will trigger the method IW.SealGenerate(), that will return a generated seal. To acknowledge the expiration time of this seal, we must call IW.DisplayTime() that will return the remaining time in seconds, time that will be displayed on the UI.
When time comes to expire, then the button ‘Copy’ that copies the seal on the device clipboard will be disabled.