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SonicWall TZ Firewalls - RADIUS integration

This document explains how to integrate TrustBuilder MFA with SonicWall TZ series through RADIUS.


  • An administrator account of SonicWall firewall admin portal

  • An administrator account of TrustBuilder MFA admin portal

  • Allow UDP traffic in port 812 from SonicWall firewall to TrustBuilder MFA radius server

SonicWall firewall Radius Configuration

  1. Navigate to Device > Users > Settings.

  2. In User Authentication method select Radius + Local Users
    Note: Local Users must also exist in TrustBuilder user database. Otherwise, the access will be denied.

  3. Click on Configure Radius and specify the following settings: 



Host Name or

IP Address

TrustBuilder provides two Radius server pool. Each radius server pool load-balance the workload on several radius servers located in different datacenters:



Shared Secret

Secret shared between SonicWall and the TrustBuilder Radius servers

Confirm Shared Secret

Confirmation of Share Secret

  1. Click on Save.

  2. Go to Radius Users and choose the “Default user group to which all Radius users belong”

In this example, the local users belong to SSLVPN Service user group, and they will be asked to do TrustBuilder MFA in Radius when a VPN SSL connection is required.

TrustBuilder Radius Connector configuration

  1. After logging into the admin console, go to Secure site tab > Connector.

  2. Add a connector of type Radius Push

  3. Specify the following settings:



IP Address

IP address of the public interface of your SonicWall

Shared Secret

Secret shared between SonicWall and the TrustBuilder Radius servers

  1. Click on Add

Any modification made to TrustBuilder radius connector will be applied within the next 15 minutes.

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