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Fortinet VPN - LDAP Proxy integration

This guide explains how to configure a Fortinet VPN to use TrustBuilder Universal Proxy (LDAP) to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for VPN connections. The setup can be done on both Linux and Windows servers and allows granular user access control through the LDAP Proxy. We will also include validation tests (dopush) to verify that the integration.


  • 64-bit VM provisioned to support the LDAP Proxy

  • Configured Fortinet VPN

  • An LDAP server (e.g., Active Directory) for user authentication

  • User groups defined in the LDAP server for MFA access control

  • Java 8 64-bit or OpenJDK 8 64-bit

  • SSL certificates to secure LDAPS connections if necessary

1. Creating a connector in TrustBuilder MFA Admin console

  1. Log in to TrustBuilder MFA Admin console.

  2. Navigate to the Secure Sites tab.

  3. In the right-hand column, under "API Access Certificates," click Download a new API certificate.

  4. Fill in the certificate details:

    • Description: LDAP Proxy

    • Certificate Rights:

      • Authentication: Yes

      • Provisioning: No

    • Passphrase: Your certificate passphrase (it will be used in the LDAP Proxy configuration)

    • Format: PKCS12 (.p12)

2. Installing TrustBuilder Universal Proxy (LDAP)

On Linux

  1. Download the Linux version: proxy-ldap-packaging-X.Y.Z-linux64.tar.gz.

  2. Extract the archive.

  3. Create the config/ file from the template.

  4. Complete the config/ file (see configuration details below).

  5. Start the Proxy:

    • For the version using the system's JRE: bin/

    • For the version with the bundled JRE: bin/

More details in TrustBuilder LDAP Proxy documentation.

On Windows

  1. Download the Windows version:

  2. Extract the archive.

  3. Create the config/ file from the template.

  4. Complete the config/ file (see configuration details below).

  5. Start the Proxy:

    • For the version using the system's JRE: bin/run.bat

    • For the version with the bundled JRE: bin/run_standalone.bat

More details in TrustBuilder LDAP Proxy documentation.

LDAP Proxy Configuration File

Here is the configuration for key elements in the file:

# Listening IP addresses used by the LDAP proxy
# List of IP/hostnames separated by ";"
ldap.proxy.addresses=; LDAP_Proxy_Server_IP

# Listening port for the LDAP proxy
###### OR ######
# Listening port for the LDAP proxy to handle LDAPS requests

# Address/hostname of the LDAP server or LDAP_AD_Server_IP

# LDAP server port
###### OR ######
# LDAPS server port

###### IF LDAPS #######
# Full path to the p12 certificate used by the LDAP Proxy (Client <-> LDAP Proxy)
ldap.proxy.ssl.certificate.path=C:\Program Files\LDAP-Proxy\cert\xxxxxxxx.pfx

# Secret passphrase for the LDAP certificate


# InWebo service ID

# Full path to the p12 certificate associated with the InWebo service
inwebo.service.certificate.path=C:\Program Files\LDAP-Proxy\cert\xxxxxx.p12

# Secret passphrase for the InWebo certificate

# LDAP attribute for the user login (will be compared with the InWebo login)
ldap.proxy.login.attribute=sAMAcountName or mail

# Condition to authenticate users with InWebo

# Whitelist of users to bypass InWebo authentication (useful for service accounts)
ldap.proxy.whitelist.dn=CN=ServiceRead_LDAP,OU=Service Accounts,DC=CONTOSO,DC=LOCAL

3. Configuring Fortinet VPN

Configuring Fortinet to use TrustBuilder LDAP Proxy

  1. Access the Fortinet administration interface and configure the LDAP integration using TrustBuilder LDAP Proxy. Specify the IP address of the server where the LDAP Proxy is installed (Linux or Windows).

  2. In User & Authentication > LDAP Servers, add a new LDAP server and fill in the details as follows:

    • Name: Define a name for your LDAP server.

    • Server/IP Name: Enter the LDAP Proxy server IP address.

    • Server Port: Default is 389.

    • Common Name Identifier: Set according to user login attributes in AD (e.g., UID, sAMAccountName).

    • Distinguished Name: Specify the AD group for MFA (e.g., CN=Grp_UsersMFA,DC=CONTOSO,DC=LOCAL).

    • Bind Type: Regular.

    • Username: Username for AD searches -Must match the value set in ldap.proxy.whitelist.dn.

    • Password: Enter the password associated with the username.

Configuring VPN Groups

  1. Navigate to User & Authentication > User Groups.

  2. Create a user group for VPN connections and link it to the TrustBuilder LDAP server to enforce MFA.

Adjusting Fortinet Authentication Timeout

To avoid MFA timeout, run the following commands in Fortinet CLI:

config system global
show full-configuration | grep remoteauth
set remoteauthtimeout 60

The end is essential for the configuration to be applied.

Validation Tests (dopush)

Once the configuration is complete, test the LDAP Proxy for MFA with Fortinet VPN:

  1. Push Test via Command Line: Navigate to the /bin directory of the LDAP Proxy and run:

    run_standalone -doPush <login_inWebo>

    Replace <login_inWebo> with the user's TrustBuilder login.

  2. VPN Connection Test with MFA: Make sure that a user from the MFA-enforced group connects to the Fortinet VPN. The user should receive a push notification via the TrustBuilder Authenticatir app and must validate it to complete authentication.

  3. Log Validation: Change the log level in to .level=INFO, then check the LDAP Proxy logs to ensure MFA requests are being processed correctly.

  4. Whitelist User Test: Attempt to log in with a user on the whitelist. This user should bypass MFA and be able to connect without additional authentication.

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