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Evidian Authentication Manager

inWebo Radius connector configuration

You can create your own InWebo account at InWebo Signup page. This will give you access to the InWebo Administration Console.

- Once connected, go to Secure Sites tab > CONNECTORS section.

- Select “Add a connector of type…”, and choose “Radius” or “Radius Push” :

- The popup below will appear. Enter the public IP addresses of your EAM server, along with a Radius secret :

- Click “Add”.

Enterprise Access Management configuration

Declare inWebo radius server on Enterprise Access Management controller

inWebo Radius server addresses :

(See for additional details and configuration)

On Enterprise Access Management controller, add the following registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Enatel\WiseGuard\FrameWork\Radius

  • Key name 1: Server

  • Key type 1: REG_SZ

  • Key value 1: IP address or name of inWebo radius gateway (ex:

  • Key name 2: BackupServer

  • Key type 2: REG_SZ

  • Key value 2: IP address or name of inWebo backup radius gateway (ex:

  • Key name 3: Port

  • Key type 3: REG_DWORD

  • Key value 3: 1812

  • Key name 4: Secret

  • Key type 4: REG_SZ

  • Key value 4: The radius secret you previously configured in the inWebo Radius connector

Configure Enterprise Access Management controller

Open Enterprise Access Management console

Configure Access point profile

Configure User profile to allow OTP authentication

Optionnal : In order to authenticate users with login/password and an OTP, you have to configure the following option:

Enable inWebo for application SSO

Configure application profile related to applications to enable OTP authentication:

Configure Authentication Manager on the workstation

On the workstation, install Authentication Manager Module and select “Password and OTP authentication” feature:

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