Services Tab
Services are comprised of Java code that can be used in scripts enabling more complex functionality.
Some services can also be used as endpoints to accept incoming requests such as the LDAP or Radius service.
All types of services, endpoint or normal, are configured in the TrustBuilder Administrator in the same manner.
There are a number of pre-packaged services that come with TB. Connect refer to the services documentation.
Add a New Service
To add a new service click the Add Service button.
Complete the form and click the Save Service button.
Field Name | Description | Required |
ID | This is the id that is used to reference the service from within a script when calling tb.getService("thisID"); | yes |
Type | This is the Java type a full package and class name. | yes |
Should be a Singleton | If there is to be only one instance of this class created on the server and used by each request | no |
Should be Synchronised | Lock the use of this class so it can only be accessed by one thread at a time | no |
Service Properties | These are properties that are passed to the service such as charSet for the DomTai service | by some services |

Edit a Service
To edit a service click the Edit button beside the service in the list. The add form will then be presented with the values populated.
Note that the ID cannot be edited as this is a reference to the service within the configuration.
Delete a Service
To delete a service click the Delete button beside the service in the list.
The deletion of a service is final, there is no undo.