Radius adapter
The Radius adapter allows TrustBuilder to authenticate users against a Radius Server. This can be:
username / pincode
username / pincode + One Time Password
setting a new pincode for a given username
In order for the push adapter to function one should have an application running on either android or ios capable of receiving push notifications. This usually requires having either a developer account with ios and configured push notifications here. Google requires a API key, you can find out here how to get one.
Unique name assigned to this adapter; the name is used to reference the adapter in the workflow. The ID has following requirements:
START with a letter or _ (underscore)
FOLLOWED by a combination of following characters: Letter, Number, '.' (dot), '-' (dash), '_' (underscore)
Port TCP Port of the backend RADIUS Server
Priority The priority of this server
Secret The Shared secret between the TrustBuilder server and the radius server. This secret is encrypted automatic.
Address URL or IP of the backend RADIUS Server x
IncludeAttributes Whether the response should include the attribute values or not (default = false)
Workflow Settings
A request for the adapter is prepared by specifying the following properties/scripts in the adapter activity:
Input Property: the variable containing the instructions the adapter have to execute
Output Property: the variable the adapter will store the response in after execution
Before Adapter Script: script that will be executed before calling the adapter
After Adapter Script: script that will be executed after the adapter fulfilled its task
Request - API
Creates a Radius request.
with parameters:
username: Non-null, non-empty string.
password: Non-null, non-empty string.
state: String. May be null; sent to the server with the request
Response - API
Common Properties
The response API can be applied to the variable specified in the "output property" (see "Workflow Settings"): to verify whether the action performed by the adapter was successful, to query for the data returned by the adapter.
All responses have four properties in common:
status Status flag indicating whether the response is ok (0) or not (1).
substatus Response specific number indicating what the problem was, eg. http status code
message Response specific message in case there was a problem (can be null)
rc Return Code, a human readable code based on the substatus
Adapter Specific Properties
getAttributes() Returns array of objects containing
getAttributeValue(name) Returns value for a named attribute
Response Codes
If all is ok, the status is zero, for non-zero statusses you can find the description below.
1 Radius error
2 Access challenge error The user must supply extra information to the Radius server (e.g. Enter a new pin code) 3 Access reject error
4 Unknown attribute error
5 Unknown response error
Additional Notes
The adapter supports load balancing, read the Loadbalancing chapter for more information.
Based on the value of the state variable, it is sent with the request or not. RADIUS Request Example
function radiusAutenthicateRequest(workItem){
var radiusinput;
if (workItem.state != ""){
radiusInput = tb.radiusRequest(workItem.username,workItem.passcode,workItem.state);
} else {
radiusInput = tb.radiusRequest(workItem.username, workItem.passcode,null);
workItem.radiusInput = radiusInput;
The response returned by the radius may vary.
response ok
challenge response
function radiusAdapterHandler(workItem) {
switch (workItem.radiusOutput.status) {
case 0:
switch (workItem.radiusOutput.substatus) {
case 0:
log("the request completed successfully and the user was authenticated");
case 2:
log("A challenge was sent by the Radius server");
log("radiusMessage: " + workItem.radiusOutput.getAttribute('Status'));
log("radiusMessage: " + workItem.radiusOutput.getAttributes()[0].value);
log("radiusState: " + workItem.radiusOutput.getAttributes()[1].value);
log("Radius was not able to authenticate the user, or has encountered an error");