OAth adapter (TOTPAdapter)
The OAth Adapter allows TrustBuilder to generate event and time-based one time passwords.
A keystore is required in your TB_HOME in order to generate secure private keys. When adding the otp adapter via the gui the key is automatically added into the keystore.
AdapterUniqueID: Unique name assigned to this adapter; the name is used to reference the adapter in the workflow. The ID has following requirements:
START with a letter or _ (underscore)
FOLLOWED by a combination of following characters: Letter, Number, '.' (dot), '-' (dash), '_' (underscore)
Window: Used to set the maximum difference in time window number between the gerenation and the validation for the one time password so that the generated token is still validated successfully. A time window has a duration of 30 seconds.
Secret: Empty Field, created automatic with the public and private key. When creating the adapter the secret is auto generated and thus not reversable afterwards. Herefore a public key is taken with a private key in the store. (alias and password needed).
PrivateKeyAlias: Alias of the private key in the keystore.
OtpLength: Length of the otp. Between 6 and 10 including boundaries. Default: 6.
PrivatekeyPassword: Password to decode the private key in the keystore.
DigestAlgorithm: The Algorithm used to encode the secret. Default: SHA1.
HashingAlgorithm: The Algorithm used to generate the otp-values. Default: HmacSHA1.
Workflow Settings
A request for the adapter is prepared by specifying the following properties/scripts in the adapter activity:
Input Property: the variable containing the instructions the adapter have to execute
Output Property: the variable the adapter will store the response in after execution
Before Adapter Script: script that will be executed before calling the adapter
After Adapter Script: script that will be executed after the adapter fulfilled its task
Request - API
Generate a secret to be used for Time based OTP
identifier: userid (or any combination thereof or for example a transactions hash)
After generation the adapter gives a secret. To calculate the OTP you have to call a function from the output of the adapter.
example TOTP Generation
// Create a totp request
workItem.totpInput = tb.totpGenerateSecret(key);
// Engine.ScriptLogger - {"status":0,"substatus":0,"nativestatus":0,"message":null,"rc":"OK","generated":true,
var code = workItem.totpOutput.generate(0);
tb.log(code,'OTP CODE');
// OTP CODE - 702082
This method "generate" of the responseobject corresponding to a generationrequest will return the generated otp as an integer, possibly with a number of digits that is less than was configured, because leading zeros are not present. It is also possible to get the generated otp as a string which will have the configured number of digits. This is done with the method generatePadded of the same responseobject:
var code = workItem.totpOutput.generatePadded(0);
Generate a validation request for a certain OTP
totpValidate(identifier, otp)
identifier: Identifier used when issuing the request
otp to validate
Generate a validation request for a certain OTP
hotpValidate(identifier, otp, reference)
identifier: Identifier used when issuing the request
otp to validate
reference : reference number (last known)
Generate a validation request for a certain ocra request
ocraValidate(identifier, otp, ocrasuite)
identifier: Identifier used when issuing the request
otp to validate
ocrasuite : the ocrasuite to decode the otp with
Response - API
Common Properties
The response API can be applied to the variable specified in the "output property" (see "Workflow Settings"): to verify whether the action performed by the adapter was successful, to query for the data returned by the adapter.
All responses have four properties in common:
status: Status flag indicating whether the response is ok (0) or not (1).
message : Response specific message in case there was a problem (can be null)
rc: Return Code, a human readable code based on the substatus
Adapter Specific Properties
getIdentifier(): Identifier used to create/validate OTP
generated: Is this a generated OTP
secret: Only in case of a generated OTP
Response Codes
If the otp validation was successfull, the status is 0. If the otp validation was unsuccessfull the status is 1. If the status is 1, the substatus gives some more information about why the validation was unsuccessfull. Below you can see the values the substatus can have, in case the status is 1, together with more information about these values:
1: Internal error
2: Invalid OTP
If the status is 0 and the validationrequest was a totpvalidationrequest, the substatus contains the difference in time window of generation compared to validation. If the time window of validation is a later time window than the time window of generation this subtatus is negative.
Example 1 : Generation
* Prepare OTP request
function prepareOtpGeneration(workItem){
workItem.totprequest = tb.totpGenerateSecret(myIdentifier);
if(workItem.totpresponse.status != 0){
tb.log("Invalid OTP response, aborting",null,'error');
workItem.message = "Invalid OTP response, aborting";
return 'error';
workItem.secret = workItem.totpresponse.secret;
Example 2 : Validation
* Prepare OTP request
function prepareOtpValidation(workItem){
workItem.totprequest = tb.totpValidate(workItem.otpKey, workItem.otp);
if(workItem.totpresponse.status != 0){
tb.log("Invalid OTP response, aborting",null,'error');
workItem.message = "Invalid OTP response, aborting";
return 'error';