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Configuring notifications

You can configure the notifications sent from TrustBuilder. In the Admin Portal, go to Notifications Service > Communication.

We are progressively reworking the interface and user experience of our platforms. You may encounter difficulties in using features that are not fully operational. We appreciate your patience as we strive to provide an enhanced experience tailored to your needs.

  • (tick) SUPPORTED

    • E-mail → use your own e-mail server

    • Workflow → use a custom workflow sending notifications


    • E-mail → use TrustBuilder e-mail server

    • E-mail → use TrustBuilder e-mail server with your own e-mail address domain


You can configure notifications according to the action performed.



Change Password

Configure notifications received when:

  • password is set or changed on Admin Portal provision page

  • user changes their own password on password change page

User receives a notification according to predefined e-mail template.

This notification type is disabled by default.

Note that notification is NOT triggered when:

  • user registers themselves for the first time (with a password)

  • user resets their password

Provision User

Configure notifications for user profile activation.

User receives a notification according to predefined template.

Reset Password

Configure password reset notifications.

User receives a notification according to predefined template.

Verify e-mail

Configure e-mails for e-mail verification.

User receives a notification according to predefined e-mail template.

For each action, you should select:

  • Channel: the notifications will be sent through the selected channel.

    • E-mail → the notification channel will be the e-mail. The SMTP should needs to be enabled and properly configured in the e-mail tab.

    • Workflow → the notifications will be sent based on a workflow. The workflow has to be selected in the Workflow tab.

  • Template: the selected template will be used to notify the users.
    To consult the default templates or create new ones, go to Settings > Edit Templates. Note that default templates are not editable. You can use them as-is or you can use them as base template for your new template.

  • Attribute: the value of the selected attribute defines where the notification will be delivered to send the notification.

Configuration to send e-mail notifications (SMTP server)

You can configure TrustBuilder to use your own SMTP server to send notifications for the actions listed above.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Notifications Service > Communication > E-mail tab.

  2. Fill in the form with your SMTP server information:

    • From* → the value for the FROM field of the e-mails to be sent- Make sure your SMTP allows this e-mail address as a sender.

    • Host* → The URL or IP address of your SMTP Server

    • Host certificate → Select a trust certificate from the trust store.
      To add a trust certificate, go to Settings > Certificates > Trust Store tab > + Import Trust Certificate.

    • Port* → The port used by the SMTP to connect to the server.
      The default is 587 which is a standard SMTP port for secure communications (support TLS natively and STARTTLS)

    • User → The SMTP username

    • Password → The SMTP password

  3. Check the box to activate e-mail communication at the top of the form.

  4. If you check the “Verify” checkbox then:

    • Setting or updating a value in an e-mail field triggers a verification e-mail being sent to that e-mail address.

    • E-mail are only sent to e-mail addresses that are verified (and skipped for the unverified ones), except for the verification action.

  5. Click on Save.

Customize e-mail content

To create your own e-mail template:

  1. in the Admin Portal, go to Settings > Edit Templates > + Add New Template.

  2. Fill in the fields:

    • Name* → Enter a name for your template.

    • Base Template → (optional) Select a default template to use it as a base content of your template.

    • Type* → Select the type of template based on the action it will be associated (refer to the actions listed above)

      • CHANGE_PASSWORD for “Change Password” action

      • RESET_PASSWORD for “Reset Password” action

      • VERIFY_RECIPIENT for “Verify e-mail” action

      • RESET_PASSWORD for “Provision user“ action

    • Channel* → Select “e-mail”

    • Default Local* → Select the default language

  3. Enter the e-mail content. The e-mail should be written in HTML format.

            <h1>My e-mail title</h1>
            My e-mail content "{{my_variable}}"
    • You can press CTRL+ SPACE to display code completion.

    • Variables should be inserted as "{{my_variable}}"

    • "{{url}}" → the URL that is specific to the user and the action to perform

    • "{{recipient}}" → the recipient e-mail address

    • "{{password}}" → the password value

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