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AZN Configuring the authorization service

AZN Configuring the authorization service

The authorization engine functions as a service within TrustBuilder. This means that the engine service must first be configured within a TrustBuilder configuration file, as in the following example.

<stb:Service stb:id="AZN" stb:type="be.securit.trustbuilder.azn.engine.service.AuthorizationService" stb:singleton="true" stb:synchronised="false">
    <stb:property stb:name="index">../rulesuites</stb:property>

The index property can be used in two ways:

  • as a reference to a text file listing the rule suites to be loaded (extensional definition);

  • as a reference to a directory containing the rule suites to be loaded (intentional definition).

In the first scenario, the file should contain simply a list of file names, one per line. In the second case, the directory should only contain XML files describing rule suites. The administration tool uses the second variant.

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