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IWDS- Tips and Advanced configuration

inWebo becomes TrustBuilder

We are currently rebranding all assets to the new TrustBuilder branding. Please bear with us while we change the branding of the inWebo interfaces and documentation to TrustBuilder. Functionality remains the same.

More details, planning and screenshots

IWDS Fields - allowed characters for provisioning

When synchronizing with Active Directory and LDAP, ensure that all fields are UTF-8 compatible and verify that they meet the following character limitations of our platform.

Allowed characters in:

  • Username field (Login):

    • Letters (lowercase and uppercase): a-zA-Z

    • Numbers: 0-9

    • Some special characters: @._ -\

    • Spaces

    • maximum 255 characters

  • First and last name field:

    • Letters (lowercase and uppercase): a-zA-Z and any type of letter of any language

    • Numbers: 0-9

    • Some special characters: .+-_'!#^~()[]µ,

    • Max size 60 characters

  • “Custom properties” value field:

    • Letters (lowercase and uppercase): a-zA-Z and any type of letter of any language

    • Numbers: 0-9

    • Some special characters: { } = + - . '_/\

    • Spaces

How to use IWDS graphical interface in Linux environment

To execute IWDS application in Linux you can create a starting .sh script with the following commands:

java -cp ${JAR} com.inwebo.gui.IwdsGuiStart

How to force IWDS to use TLS 1.2 in scripts

IWDS uses Java version 1.8 which natively supports TLS 1.2 and uses it by default, but in some environments cypher must be forced in Java to use TLS 1.2 at startup.

Scripts must include the additional option -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 to be added in each java command line.

  • Example for Windows / PowerShell

$javaPath = "C:\java\openlogic-openjdk-jre-8u262-b10-win-64\bin\Java.exe"
Set-Alias java $javaPath
java -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -cp "C:\inWebo\Iwds.jar" com.inwebo.Iwds -b "C:\inWebo" -w "C:\IWDSsync\ConsoleAdmin.wsdl" -C "C:\inWebo\Certificate.p12" -p PASSWORD -v getinwebo
  • Example for Linux

java  -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -cp /product/inWebo/Iwds.jar com.inwebo.Iwds --ldap LDAP.PATH -v -b /product/inWebo getldap

How to use multiple IWDS app operating on a same service

This parameter is available in IWDS version 2.4 and higher.

The provisioning_id parameter specifies the user provisioning source. It is useful if you have multiple IWDS instances.

You can specify the provisioning source ID in the IWDS configuration file conf/ The default value is 1.

When creating an account with API SOAP, the provisioning_id value can be specified in the loginCreateBySource API SOAP (see User Management with SOAP API - loginCreateBySource ). It will update the “Created By” value in IWDS.

To see the users provisioning sources from IWDS graphical interface, go to inWebo > InWebo Objects > inWebo Users tab. Look at the "Created by" column values:

  • Console → Created by the administration console (provisioning_id=0)

  • Source #1 → Created by IWDS (default value) (provisioning_id=1)

  • Source #{provisioning_idvalue} → Created by another provisioning source. (provisioning_id={value})

When you specify the provisioning_id, make sure that the value:

  • does not conflict with any other IWDS instance

  • and does not use standard values (like 0 and 1).

How to use service accounts or other users with IWDS on Windows

When switching between user accounts on Windows, the scripts or the IWDS application may experience difficulties. This situation occurs from time to time because the installation of IWDS is performed for a specific Windows user.

As part of a user change or for adapting to a Windows service account:

  • It is necessary to review the rights of the IWDS working directory as well as the “/out” and “/log” subdirectories (to make them accessible to this new account)

  • You must also delete (or copy in .OLD) the contents of these two directories which must have been created by launching IWDS from different Windows accounts

  • Do not place the IWDS directory in a Windows UAC managed directories like /program /program files and /Windows (which will add additional Adm controls)

Since this new account did not proceed with the installation in itself, it lacks the information of the location of the default directory present in the registry and which now must be specified for each Java command line of the script.

  • It is necessary to add on each of the IWDS command lines, the -B "working folder" option to specify the root of the IWDS working directory (or --basedir) IWDS - Command-line guide

The default IWDS directory is listed in the user profile registry with this line in the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\com\inwebo\gui\utils\base_dir must be modified for the selected user (look for modify a other user registry loads HKU<username> C:\Users<username>\ntuser.dat)

How to upgrade IWDS

Here is the standard upgrade procedure for IWDS:

  1. Stop any IWDS synchronizations that may be running as Windows scheduled tasks or as cron jobs.

  2. Save your IWDS working folder and configuration items:

    1. First of all you must save your working directory → this is the parent directory that contains the configuration, log and synchronization files located themselves in the following 3 directories: ./conf; ./log; ./out. To locate your working directory, go to the top left hand side of the IWDS application ("File" menu > "Change working directory")

    2. Retrieve the certificate and its passphrase / for security (if necessary also take screenshots of LDAP accesses and group mapping) in case there is an incident during the update.

    3. If using a Virtual Machine with snapshots, take a snapshot thereby allowing you to rollback to a working configuration if necessary

  3. Uninstall and reinstall:

    1. Uninstall the previous version of IWDS, without removing your old folders (they should have been copied somewhere for safety)

    2. Reinstall the new version in the same location

  4. Check the configuration:

    1. IWDS should find the previous information from the "working directory" and automatically retrieve the configuration items. If however IWDS doesn't locate the working directory then indicate it via the "file" menu.

    2. Verify that all LDAP connections and group mappings are present.

    3. If everything is OK, perform a diff/sync operation to make sure IWDS is working correct

  5. Perform a diff/sync operation and make sure IWDS is correctly working.

  6. You can delete the back-up.

XML incompatibilities

Some version changes show XML incompatibilities with previous XML file formats located in the /out directory. If you encounter Character errors while parsing the XML files, rename your /out directory to /old and perform a new retrieve/diff/sync cycle.MaxValRange value for Microsoft Active Directory

The MaxValRange value, limits the maximum number of values ​​Active Directory can answer to a request, in our case, this refers to the number of logins. (Default is set to 1500).

  • It is recommended you verify this value when synchronizing above 1000 users, you can verify and change this value using NTDSUTIL.

  • It may be necessary to modify this value with the command NTDSUTIL and to increase it to 5000.

Configuration and output file details

All configuration and output files are available in the IWDS working folder for scripting or debugging purposes.

Configuration Files

All these files are located in the “conf” subfolder of your IWDS configuration folder. Click to see the files settings description.

File “”

Parameter name



Must be equal to 0. Do not change


Path to the certificate file. You can get this file from Admin Console.


Delay (in milliseconds) between 2 requests to TrustBuilder Servers. Do not change this parameter (delay=500)


Maximum number of users downloaded in one request. This parameter should be between 0 and 100.
If you have more than 100 users, IWDS makes several requests sequentially.


Define the provisioning source ID. It may be useful if you have multiple provisioning sources or several IWDS instances.

The value must be greater than or equal to 1. If not specified, the default value is 1.

File “”

If generated by the GUI, this file is named ldap_<LDAP source name>.properties.

Parameter name



The name you give to your LDAP directory. Spaces are not allowed


LDAP authentication mode (Simple or anonymous)


IP address or Domain name of your LDAP directory


LDAP port. Usually 389


yes / no. Whether to use LDAPS or not. The ‘port’ parameter is moved to 483 if you use LDAPS


LDAP user for connection purposes


LDAP password for the user mentioned above


Base DN to use for the LDAP connection


LDAP attribute IWDS looks for to retrieve user login


LDAP attribute IWDS looks for to retrieve user alternate login


LDAP attribute IWDS looks for to retrieve user First Name


LDAP attribute IWDS looks for to retrieve user Name


LDAP attribute IWDS looks for to retrieve user Email


LDAP DN of the group containing TrustBuilder Users


LDAP DN of the group containing TrustBuilder Managers


LDAP DN of the group containing TrustBuilder Administrators


Tells IWDS to retrieve LDAP users in the groups your defined via a specific user attribute (typically the “memberOf” attribute on Active Directory)


Sets attribute for user attribute based search


Tells IWDS to directly retrieve the users that are members of the groups your defined


Sets attribute for group membership based search


The number of sub-groups levels to parse recursively


Sets the filter to apply on LDAP members to identify groups


Sets the filter to apply on LDAP members to identify persons


allows to use the UAC properties retrieved from an AD user to determine the user TrustBuilder account activation status


Activation / Deactivation of LDAP paging


IWDS can use LDAP paging. This parameter sets how many users IWDS proceeds per page.


Delay (in ms) between 2 LDAP page requests


LDAP filter for your requests. Example : « objectClass\=Person », to filter out Computers (deprecated – replace by filter_person and filter_group)


Set to ‘False’ if you have Active Directory. ‘True’ otherwise (deprecated)


Set to ‘True’ if you have Active Directory. ‘False’ otherwise (deprecated – replaced by searchbyattr)


(deprecated – replace by grpmbattr)

Sample file

name=My LDAP

“\\” are used to escape special chars. They are automatically added by IWDS GUI.

  • If a user belongs to the “User” group or "Manager" group, his “status” is set to “not blocked” during the synchronization. If not, it is set to “blocked”.

  • If a user belongs to “Administrator” group, his “role” is accordingly set during the synchronization and his “status” is set to “blocked”.

File “”

If generated by the GUI, it is named rules_<rule set name>.properties.

Parameter name



Possible value: “yes” or “no”
If set to “no”, managers configured in your TrustBuilder service will not be modified or deleted.


Possible value: “yes” or “no”
If set to “no”, administrators configured in your TrustBuilder service will not be modified or deleted.


Possible value: “yes” or “no”
If set to “no”, group memberships will not be handled during the “Sync”


Possible value: “yes” or “no”
If set to “yes”, pending users will be receive a new activation email.


Possible value: “yes”, “no” or “link”
If set to “yes”, newly created users will receive an email with an activation link. The email is sent by TrustBuilder servers.
If set to “link”, a long code with a three weeks lifetime is returned by TrustBuilder servers per created user. These long codes can be used to create activation links. They are available in the XML output.
If set to “no”, a 15 minutes lifetime activation code is returned by TrustBuilder servers per user created. These codes can be directly used to activate any TrustBuilder authentication tool. They are available in the XML output.


Possible value: “EN” or “FR”


Possible value: “yes” or “no”


Possible value: “yes” or “no”.
If a user was blocked by a Manager using the Admin Console, IWDS can let this status unchanged (“yes”), or set it back to the value taken from LDAP (“no”). Default is “yes”.

Group Mapping Configuration File

This XML file is used to map LDAP user groups to TrustBuilder user groups. It can be either generated in GUI mode using IWDS console or by any other mean, as long as the following file structure is respected.

The filename must have the following form:

ldapgroups_mapping_<LDAP source name>.properties.

A mapping file only associates one LDAP source groups to TrustBuilder groups.

If you have several LDAP sources configured, one mapping for each source is required.

Parameter name



Name of the LDAP group as it appears in your LDAP directory. Case sensitive.


Name of the TrustBuilder group as it appears in the iwgroups.xml file generated after getting TrustBuilder objects with IWDS or in the administration console


ID of the TrustBuilder group as it appears in the iwgroups.xml file generated after getting TrustBuilder objects with IWDS or in the administration console


Name of the TrustBuilder role as it appears in the iwroles.xml file generated after getting TrustBuilder objects with IWDS or in the administration console


ID of the TrustBuilder role as it appears in the iwroles.xml file generated after getting TrustBuilder objects with IWDS or in the administration console

Sample file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

Output Files

All these files are located in the “out” subfolder of your IWDS configuration folder.

inWebo user file

File name: inwebo.xml

Sample file

<?xml version="1.0"?>

The “status” field indicates whether authentication requests for this user are accepted or not. If status is set to 1, user is blocked. If set to 0, user is not blocked.

The “role” field indicates the role of the user in the service:

  • 0: User (basic TrustBuilder user)

  • 1: Manager of the service

  • 2: Administrator of the service

The “code” tells if the user is active, pending or expired.

Important: Logins having “code” field set to “expired” are not listed in this file. They appear in a separate file namely expired.xml. This file has the same structure as inwebo.xml file.

The “createdby” field tells if the user was last created or modified by the Admin Console or the API (e.g. IWDS). By default, IWDS does not delete users created by the Admin Console. Nevertheless, if a user is found both in TrustBuilder users and LDAP users, IWDS will update it. This means that, after next synchronization, the user will be seen as “created by the API”.

inWebo groupmembership file

File name: iwgroupmemberships.xml

Sample file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
inWebo group file

File name: iwgroups.xml

This file lists the user groups configured in your TrustBuilder service.

Sample file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
inWebo role file

File name: iwroles.xml

This file lists the custom user roles configured in your TrustBuilder service.

Sample file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
LDAP user file

If generated by the GUI, it is named <LDAP source name>_ldap.xml.

This file lists the LDAP users retrieved on a given LDAP server (source).

Sample file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
LDAP group membership file

If generated by the GUI, it is named <LDAP source name> _ldapgrpmb.xml.

This file lists the LDAP group memberships retrieved on a given LDAP server (source).

Sample file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
User Diff file

If generated by the GUI, it is named diff.xml.

This file lists the user transactions to be executed by the “Sync” action.

Sample file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

The “codetype” field indicates the chose method to send the activation code to the newly created TrustBuilder user (do not send code, send an activation code per email, send an activation link via email).

Group Diff file

If generated by the GUI, it is named diff_grp.xml.

This file lists the group membership transactions to be executed by the “Sync” action.

Sample file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
User Synchronization result file

Name of the file: result.xml.

This file lists the user transactions executed by the “Sync” action.

Sample file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
Group Membership synchronization result file

Name of the file: result_grp.xml.

This file lists the user transactions executed by the “Sync” action.

Sample file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

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